Contemporaneous Aspects for the Mission of the Churchto be Found in the Prophetical Message
Viorel Cristian Popa

The paper aims to present some aspects from the distant era of the prophets of the Old Testament that are still relevant in our times. Reading through the books of the Bible that describe the lives and deeds of the prophets of the Old Testament, one can easily observe that they played a fundamental role in preserving monotheism and moral conduct of the chosen people, and this is the fundamental role that the Church must play in the contemporary society that is under such grinding pressure, especially in terms of morality. Many of the problems the prophets took to solving are identical with those of today, and therefore their example is telling and necessary for the pastoral activity of our days. The contemporary of their message transforms them in prophets of today and all days.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijpt.v5n1a5