Beatification of Paul VI: An Impetus for the Church in Uganda to Deepen its Commitment to Unity
Sr. Dr. Nakato Noelina

As Uganda celebrates the 50th anniversary of its Martyrs, it also celebrates the Beatification of Paul VI, the pontiff who canonized them. This same year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism also issued by Paul VI. This year as well, marks the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s inaugural encyclical, Ecclesiam Suam in which he insisted on dialogue as a vital aspect of the Church’s mission. This multiple celebration of great events cannot just coincide without any lesson left to the Church in Uganda. If reflected on in the lens of faith, it can be analyzed like this: Blessed Pope Paul VI, the first Pope to set his foot in Uganda, in 1969, made Uganda visible in the universal Catholic Church as he himself expressed it, “You are greeted by the entire Catholic Church through the authorized voice of its humble voice.”2 Canonizing its 22 young men as saints, whose 50th anniversary is celebrated today, he confirmed the maturity of faith of the Church in Uganda. What about the 50th anniversaries of Unitatis Redintegratio and Ecclesiam Suam? This is as if is a living voice of Blessed Paul VI calling on the Church in Uganda though looks mature, to reflect on its loopholes in regard with its ecumenical relations in order to deepen its commitment to unity, for which Christ prayed (John 17:21). Hence this paper entitled: “Beatification of Paul VI: An Impetus for the Church in Uganda to Deepen its Commitment to Unity” is structured as follows: the first section gives the canonical provisions of ecumenism in the Catholic Church. The second section presents the theological foundation and development of ecumenical movement in the Catholic Church. The third section shows Paul VI as a protoganist in authentic interpretation of ecumenical dialogue in the Catholic Church. The fourth section treats ecumenism in Uganda and its challenges. The fifth and last section gives some recommendations to the Church in Uganda.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijpt.v2n4a11