Tasawuf Kebhinnekaan (The Sufism of Diversity) according to the Perspective of Indonesian Sufis: A Response toward the Problem of Diversity, Religiousity and Nationality in Indonesia
Syamsun Ni’am, Anin Nurhayati

This article aims to shed light on the resolution of conflicts that arise as the result of disharmony in many aspects of life espesially the problem of diversity (heterogeneity), religiousity, as well as nationality (Nationalism) which infects not only in Indonesia but also in various parts of the world, which to this day has not yet found concrete and effective efforts to overcome them. As matter to the fact, these proplems will have a devastating impact on the existence of the humankind for the foreseeable future, directly or indirectly.In this context, the author wishes to offer an alternative solution on the attempt to solve such problems through the articulation of the teachings and practices of tasawuf kebninnekaan (sufism of diversity) which was once practiced by the nine prominent Sufi leaders of Indonesian archipelago (Hadratus Sheikh Hasyim Asy'ari, Sheikh Ihsan, K.H. Mukhtar Syafaat, K.H. Abdul Hamid, K.H. Hamim Djazuli, K.H. Achmad Siddiq, K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid, K.H. Husaini Ilyas, and K.H. Sholeh Bahrudin) in unraveling the tangled yarn of diversity, religiousity, and nationality. The approach used in this study is historical-sociological; data analysis using analytical and descriptive method. The conclusion of this article is that the teachings, practices, and experiences of the nine Sufi of the archipelago which have ever beenpracticed in the matter of diversity, religiousity, and nationality can inspire and implicate the formation of the character of the Indonesian nation towards a fair, prosperous and civilized nation, and to remain accept and love NKRI, Pancasila ideology, 1945 Constitution, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ideology. As well as reject all ideology which oppose it.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijpt.v7n2p1