Exploring Karl Barth’s View on the Image of God
Reymand M. Hutabarat

The theology of Karl Barth is generally known as neo-orthodox.2 it is characterized by an encounter between God and man. This section present an introduction to the Barth’s theology; then briefly discusses his view of God, revelation, the Holy spirit, salvation, and last things. Karl Barth3was born in 1886 in Basel, Switzerland.4 His father was a professor of theology at Reformed seminary, who moved to the University of Bern when Karl was a small child.5 The young Karl grew up in that capital city of Switzerland and resolved to become a theologian at the time of his confirmation-he was only sixteen years old. He studied theology under some of the leading liberal. Protestant thinkers of Europe, including Adolf Harnack,6 and became a minister of the Reformed church, firs in Geneva, and the in small town of Safenwil on Switzerland’s border with Germany.7According to his later memories, Barth found that the Liberal Theology of his education did not translate into meaningful preaching that connected with the lives of the average people of the parish. He became disillusioned with liberal Protestantism when his own theological mentors such as Harnack and other German professors publicly supported the Kaiser’s war policy in 1914.

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