Heidegger on the Relationship between Sterēsis and Kairos: Heidegger’s Interpretation of Aristotle’s Sterēsis as the Basic Movement of Kairological Vision
Dr. Eric Schumacher

This article offers a short analysis of Martin Heidegger’s interpretation of Aristotle’s use of sterēsis (“privation”). This article has three primary goals. The first goal is to establish a structure of sterēsis. This structure reveals a type of movement that characterizes its function. What the function of sterēsis emphasizes is the role (qualified) non-being plays for Being, in general. This point is made broadly by Aristotle in his Physics pertaining to the nature of “becoming” and then employed by Heidegger in reference to Dasein. Establishing the structure of sterēsis leads into this article’s second goal of demonstrating Heidegger’s privileging of non-being. Heidegger seems to take his cue from Aristotle regarding the ontological importance of “privation” and privileges it as a determination of Dasein’s authentic possibilities. The third goal of this article is to illuminate Heidegger’s use of the Kairos. As the privileged movement of non-being becomes apparent, the Kairos emerges as the very location and vision of this movement. What can be acknowledged, then, is that the structure of sterēsis displays the fundamental movement of what the Kairos indicates. Consequently, this article will attempt to conclude that for Heidegger sterēsis can be understood as the radical movement of the Kairos.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijpt.v3n1a10