The Pervasive Power of Humility
Prof. Joseph Kupfer

Unlike more conspicuous moral virtues such as courage or generosity, humility works behind the scenes, in a fittingly humble manner. It may be somewhat surprising, then, to realize the force that humility actually exerts in our moral lives. The pervasive power of humility is found especially in how it encourages other virtues. Besides the moral conduct that results directly from its nature, humility is exceptional, though perhaps not unique, in promoting the maintenance and deployment of other virtues as well. After a brief sketch of humility, several virtues encouraged by humility are examined: patience, gratitude and forgiveness. The indirect way in which humility operates is then distinguished from the direct impact of other virtues when they augment companion virtues. The conclusion suggests how humility also inhibits such vices as envy and injustice. The result should be a deeper appreciation for humility’s indirect, yet profound influence on moral character.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijpt.v11n1a1