The Challenge of Religion to Democracy as a Political Ideology
A. A. Akanni
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 1(1), pp. 47-61.

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Akanni, A. A. (2013). The Challenge of Religion to Democracy as a Political Ideology. International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 1(1), pp. 47-61.

1. Ladipo Adamolekun and Jide Osuntokun, Government and Politics for West African Students, Ibadan: Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) Ltd, 1977 p. 65

2. ibid, p. 65

3. F.K Buah, West Africa and Europe, London; Macmillan Education Limited 1978, p. 48-53. See also Adamolekun and Osuntokun, Government and Politics for … p.77.

4. J.O. Akao, “Christianity and the Quest for Democracy in Nigeria”, Orita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies, vol. xxx1/1-2 University of Ibadan, June and December, 1999 p. 45

5-8 . Encyclopedia Britannica, vol 7, 1975, p. 215.

9 Funk and Wagnall, New Encyclopedia, Vol. 8. p. 12 please note that this definition. Few people of the world have ever and would ever understand democracy in this sense.

10 K.A. Balogun, “Elements of Democracy in Islam”, OYE: Ogun Journal Of Arts Vol. Vii, April, 1966, p. 89

11. Arendt Lyphart, Democracy in Plural Societies, A Comparative Exploration, New Haven; Yale University Press 1977, P. 4.

12. Akao, “Christianity and the Quest for Democracy” p. 45

13. O. Abogunrin, “Religion and Democracy in Nigeria” Orita: Ibadan of Religious Studies, Vol . XXX1/1-2, June and Dec. 1998 p.8

14. Kenneth Auchinclos “The Limits of Democracy” Newsweek Magazine, Jan., 27, 1992, p. 10.

15. Ibid, p. 10.

16. Ibid, p. 14.

17. Ibid, p. 10.

18. We could not ascertain when Gratis rule in Mexico ended but our source informed us that he assumed power in 1988 and by 1992 he was still in office.

19. Tim Padgelt, “Mexico: An Unfair System Can work”, Newsweek Magzine, Jan. 27, 1992.

20. Ibid, p. 12.

21. Ibid, p. 12.

22. Yunus Dauda, Political Elites and Islamic Movement, Lagos: Iman Services Ltd (Publishers), 1997, p. 39.

23. Auchincloss, “The Limits of Democracy”, p. 14.

24. Abogunrin “Religion and Democracy in Nigeria”, p.5

25. Theodore Stanger, “Israel: A Democracy That Doesn’t Work”, Newsweek Magazine, Jan. 27, 1992, p. 13.

26. Ibid, p. 13.

27. Ibid, p. 13.

28. Abogunrin, “Religion and Democracy in Nigeria” p.4

29. bid, p. 4


30. Auchincloss, “The Limits of Democracy”, p. 14

31. Ibid, p. 14.

32. Lisa J. Adams, “Mexican Election Separated Rich and Poor States”, Federations, Vol. 5 No. 3, October/November 2006, p. 21

33. Ibid, p. 21

34. Ibid, p. 21

35. Ibid, p. 22

36. Ibid, p. 22

37. Ibid, p. 22

38. Ibid, p. 22

39. Ibid, p. 22

40. Philippe Engels, “Belgians Change Rainbow Coalition for Reds and Blues”, Federations, vol. 3, No. 3/August 2003, p.9

41. Stanger, “A Democracy That Doesn’t Work”, p. 13

42. Ibid, p.13.

43. Ibid, p.13.

44. Engels, “Belgians Change Rainbow Coalition’’,p.9

45. Auchincloss, “The Limits of Democracy’’, -p.14

46. Ibid,p.14

47. Padgett, “An Unifair System Can Work’’, -p.12

48. Ibid, p.12

49. Auchincloss, “The Limits of Democracy’’, p.13

50. Padgett, “An Unfair System Can Work’’, p.12

51. Ibid, p.13

52. Auchincloss, “the Limits of Democracy’’, p.12

53. Ibid, p.13

54. Ibid, p.10

55. Ibid, p.14

56. G.A. Akinola, “Religion and Democratic Values: A Theoretical Exploration’’, Orita Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies, Vol. xxx/1-2 June & December 1999, p.75

57. Auchincloss; “The Limits of Democracy’’, -p.14

58. Quoted by Paul Lee Tan, Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustration, Rockville). (Maryland): Assurance Publishers 1979, p.328.

59. Ayo Fadahunsi, “Morality and Society: The Nigeria experience’’, Journal of philosophy, and Development, Vol. 3, Nos 1&2, January 1997, p.123.

60. Richard Taylor, Freedom Anarchy and Law: An Introduction to Political Philosophy, New York: Prometheus Books, 1980 P.130.

61. As quoted in Fadahuns op.cit, p. 124.

62. Obafemi Awolowo, Adventures in Power Book Two the Travails of Democracy he Rule of law, Ibadan: Evans Brothers, 1987, p.2.

63. R, A. Akanmidu, “Religion and Morality’’, Journal of Arabic and Religious Studies, vol. 7, 1990, p.32.

64. Ibid, p.34-35

65. Ibid, p.33-33

66. Ibid, p.35

67. E.B Idowu, Olodumare God in Yoruba Belief, Ibadan: Longman, 1996, p.146

68. Elechi Amadi, Ethics in Nigerian Culture, Ibadan Heinemann education Books (Ng) Ltd, 1982, p.4

69. As quote d in Akanmidu, “Religion and Morality’’, p.34

70. Ibid, p. 35

71. Jacques Mariel Nzouankeu “The African Altitude to Democracy”, International Social Science Journal, No. 128, 1999, p. 199

72. Islam, for example, does not want it adherents to seek elective posts. Rather, it wants them to become leaders only if appointed. The holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) is reported to have said: O you Abd Rahman bin Samurah! Do not demand for leadership post because if you demand for it and you are given, you will be left with it, but if you are given without demanding, you will have the support of the people”. For more of such Ahadith, see Sahih Muslim, vol. iii, Neirut: Dar al-Arabia, 1971, p. 1013.

73. Abu Sheriff. Economic System in Islam, Ilorin: Abu Sheriff Islamic Publications Bureau, 1996, p. 22.

74. For details on this, see A.A Akanni, “The imperative of Religion for Policy Formation in the Modern World: The Case of Islam on Debt. Relief and Resource Control in Nigeria”, paper presented at NASR conference, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria October, 2005.

75. For details see Olu Alana “Christianity and Polygamy. In Nigeria’’, Journal of Arabic and Religious Studies, Vol.7, 1990, pp. 17-30.

76. For details on the charges against them, see Dayo Aiyetan “From Power of Prison’’, Tell Magazine, No 31, July 30, 2007, pp. 22-37 and Tony Oriade “Excellences in prison Cells’’, The News, Vol. 29, No 04,06 August, 2007, pp.54-55.

77. Akanmidu, “Religion and Morality’’, p. 36

78. Ibid, pp.37-38

79. As quoted in Ibid, p.34

80. As quoted in Ibid, p. 35

81. Ibid, p.36

82. Idowu, Olodumare, p.50

83. As quoted by Akanmidu, “Religion and Morality’’, p.36

84. Akao, “Christianity and the Quest for Democracy’’, p.47

85. For details on the activities of these two agencies, see note No 76 above.

86. Bertus de Villiers “The State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia: Facillitating Citizens Redress’’ Federations, Vol. 5, No. 3, Oct/Nov 2006, p.25

87. Ibid,p.25

88. Ibid, p.25

89. Ibid, p.26

90. Tufail Ahmed Qureshi, “Methodology of Social Change and Islamic Law’’, Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. X, No 2, p.104

91. Amadi, Ethics in Nigerian Culture, p. 14

92. Ibid, p. 47

93. Auchincloss, “The Limits of Democracy’’-p.14

94. See note No 66 above

A. A. Akanni, PhD.
Department of Religious Studies
Olabisi Onabanjo University
Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria